How will we manage the crisis?

Posted on Mon April 20, 2020.

We have been mulling over the steps we need to take to try to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 for the past few weeks, and have come up with a basic plan for the furture.

This is the start of our procedures, and we would welcome constructive input from our guests, on items that you feel will be important for your safety.

The nature of our entire business model is not to have hundreds of people on a tour, but rather to have couples or small family groups, and this ties in perfectly with social distancing from people that you don't know.  As the owners and tour guides, we always ensure that we practice good personal hygiene, but will put special emphasis on hand washing, and try (desperately) not to touch our faces!

Here are a couple of things that we will be doing:

  • Temperature screening all guests, and ourselves, daily.  Guests will be advised to have a test done, should their temperature be high or should they display symptoms.  We will assist in the arrangements.
  • Wearing masks, especially when visiting tourist attractions where there are many other tourists.
  • Screening all the accommodation establishments that we use, and ensuring that they have sufficient schedules in place with regards to hygiene and sanitizing of their premises.
  • Wherever possible, we will provide lunch ourselves, in order to minimize time spent in crowded places like restaurants.
  • Providing each guest with hand sanitizers and disposable tissues.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing the vehicle at the end of each day, and deep cleaning after each tour group.

Once industry standards have been published, we will add to the above items to ensure the safety of both our staff and our guests.

We hope that you are all keeping safe.  This too shall pass, and we will travel again!